Dr. Yves Pigneur is a professor at the University of Lausanne since 1984, and has held visiting professorships at Georgia State University, University of British Columbia, National University of Singapore, and HEC Montreal. Together with Alexander Osterwalder, they invented the Business Model Canvas and authored in 2010 the international bestseller “Business Model Generation”(million+ copies in 35 languages); and more recently “Value Proposition Design”. Yves is a frequent keynote speaker and guest lecturer on business models in universities, large corporations, entrepreneurship events and international conferences throughout the world.
In November 2015, they have been ranked #15 in the Most Influential Business Thinkers by Thinkers50 and received the “Strategy Award” of the Thinkers50 event in London, which the Financial Times calls the “Oscars of management thinking”. Read more
Professor and co-author of "Business Model Canvas" and "Value Proposition Design"
"There is no age needed to be interested in solving the real problems of life, creating a concept and an entrepreneur ... In fact curiosity, creativity and risk-taking are qualities we try to share with our children. Why not continue to raise them during their teenage years with an entrepreneurship program? Although they may not become successful entrepreneurs later, participants will have apprehended empathy with the "clients", developed and improved ideas together, exercising their critical thinking and learning humility to start when the first concepts do not meet the satisfaction of their "customers". "
L’entrepreneuriat est quelque chose qui a toujours été présent en moi. Cela m’a permis de me sentir et d’être indépendant le plus tôt possible. De voyager autour du monde et payer mes études en travaillant quelques heures par semaine plutôt que des soirées entières après les cours. Être entrepreneur, c’est avoir un oeil pour les opportunités, c’est excitant et super gratifiant. Cela veut dire oser se lancer dans de petits et grands challenges, prendre des décisions qui peuvent changer votre vie. On a l’impression de prendre contrôle de sa vie et on prend confiance en soit: on comprend que, d’une manière ou d’une autre, on devrait toujours pouvoir s’en sortir. Être entrepreneur n’est pas fait pour tout le monde et, franchement, on n’en n’a absolument pas besoin pour être heureux. Mais si c’est quelque chose qui vous titille, c’est une manière sûre de vivre une vie pleine d’aventures et de rebondissements!
Social Entrepreneur, Founder of Happy City Lab, "artivist" from Geneva focused on creating happy cities.